Operating hours and ordering arrangements
The Townview State School tuckshop is open daily at both breaks. Tuckshop can be ordered through placing an order with money into a paper lunch bag and sending it through to the tuckshop. Orders can be made before school, over the counter or by placing the order bag into the lunch box, which each class takes down to the tuckshop at the start of the morning. This box is then carried from the tuckshop to the classroom or eating area at break time. The tuckshop provides parents with convenient, healthy meal options for their children. The tuckshop menu complies with Smart Choices: Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools.
Special offers
Every fornight the tuckshop offers two meal deals, which are advertised in our school newsletter and on our school Facebook page. The tuckshop also do birthday cakes for the students and families of Townview State School. They offer homemade treats on Red Days and follow all special days, including; ANZAC, St Patrick's, Rodeo, Origin, Valentines etc.

Convenor and volunteers
The tuckshop convenor, Mrs Ronda Llewellyn is employed by the P&C and is supported by parent volunteers. Mrs Llewellyn relies on a broad network of parent volunteers to keep the tuckshop open daily. Any assistance, from a couple of hours a year, is greatly appreciated.